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Transformational Play


Transformational play is the catalyst for amazing opportunities


Everyone can benefit


The sad truth is that millions of people are unable to recognise their own strengths or value difference in others. As a result, even some of the most gifted and talented people can be prone to niggling self doubt and damaged self esteem.


Luckily Packtypes helps everyone, even those that don't realise they need help

As a result, confidence is boosted and motivation ramped up. People open up to new ideas, experiences and feedback. Attitude is enhanced.


People communicate better because they become more aware of the needs of people they interact with. Mutual respect, tolerance and self control increase, helping people to cooperate and work together better.


Individuals flourish and opportunities open up. Schools are more inspiring places to be, parents are more understanding and in the workplace performance soars.


Will Murray playing Packtypes
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