Packtypes for Schools and Education

Whatever your role at the school; teacher, trainee teacher, teaching assistant, SENCO, department head or school leader, playing Packtypes helps you do it better., Because it’s quick and flexible, playing Packtypes can be fitted into even the busiest school day.
Who does Packtypes help most?
Everybody benefits from being more successful and feeling happier, but for some people the insight and boost of confidence, that playing Packtypes delivers is a life changer, especially:
New and trainee teachers, fresh to teaching and the classroom.
Students struggling with self-esteem, identity or confidence issues or experiencing bullying.
Gifted and talented students looking to acquire advanced life, relationship and leadership skills.
Experienced teachers looking to coach and mentor newer colleagues.
Aspiring leaders and middle leaders looking to enhance their leadership skills.
Pastoral leads and anyone supporting, vulnerable or struggling students, safeguarding and pupil care.
Parent support advisors and staff involved in widening the school community.
SLT members keen to develop their relationship, coaching and leadership skills.
Headteachers and principals looking to support staff and students and share their vision for the school.

Packtypes DIY Teambag (£608.25 +VAT)
Schools love our DIY Team Bags for the same reason they love Packtypes. They are amazing value and improve leadership capability from aspiring leaders to senior leaders whilst also enabling you to enhance teaching skills from your latest trainees to experienced teachers.
What’s included?
Everything you need to run your own Packtypes Team Performance Improvement, and Teambuilding Sessions:
Packtypes DIY Team Bag, Packtypes Floor Mat, bowls and beads for aggregating profiles. Instructions, and Facilitator Notes complete with top tips, suggested timings and example exercises.
10 Packtypes with which to equip workshop attendees.
Online Training (from £140)
Online training sessions that ensure you feel confident using Packtypes with children or adults
We develop your confidence on the Packtypes basics and highlight different ways to use Packtypes at school. Tell us what you want to achieve, and we tailor your training to help you achieve it.
Designed to suit the demands of busy school life:
• 1-hour or 2-hour sessions available to suit.
• Individual sessions or save by booking multiples.
• Daytime or twilight sessions to suit you.
Areas covered include:
• Introduction to psychometric play and Packtypes.
• Enhancing your teaching skills.
• Using Packtypes with classes from year 4 to 13.
• Using Packtypes to support individual children.
• Staff observation and classroom feedback.
• Personal and staff development.
• Leadership development, beginners to advanced.
• Whole school engagement and school planning.
• Staff recruitment.
• Supporting parents and governors.
From £140 + vat BOOK NOW
Want us to run a School INSET Day for you?
No problem. Just tell us what you want to achieve, and we will do the rest. Enquire Now​

Packtypes Tracker
Packtypes Tracker is ‘the gold standard’ when it comes to school leadership, providing unprecedented leadership ‘performance and accountability’.
For the first time ever, school leaders can define the leadership success behaviours they want their school leaders to demonstrate, then term on term, measure and track the demonstration of those behaviours by different levels of school’s leaders.
The difference this makes is immense
Instead of adopting an ‘inspire and hope’ approach to leadership, Packtypes Tracker enables school leadership teams to define the leadership behaviours they believe should be demonstrated at the school, and accurately assess actual leadership performance, before deciding where to focus their leadership coaching energy and time.
If you’re a head that doesn’t know about Packtypes Tracker, you need to talk to us now.
Perfect for inspiring and developing confident, curious children in our increasingly virtual and isolated world.
Works from Year 4 to 13, giving:
Younger children a springboard into a positive and productive secondary school experience.
Struggling children an invaluable motivation and self-esteem lifeline.
All children great communication, relationship and team skills.
Older children a leg up with UCAS and career decisions.
Helps teachers build strong relationships with every child they teach, their teaching assistants, colleagues, parents and school leaders.
Practical, quick and easy to fit seamlessly into already crowded school days. Reduces distracting conflict and tensions. A classroom must have.
Mastering diverse and challenging school relationships is one of the greatest challenges any school leader faces. What is the best way to achieve this?
One relationship at a time, which is how Packtypes helps.
Whether it is communicating with everyone, recruiting the right staff, improving teamwork, motivational staff feedback and effective staff development, supporting children, working with colleagues and governors, or sitting down with parents, Packtypes turns your relationship skills into your school leader superpower.